- Introduction and Discussion of the Problem
- Feature Generation
- Classification Algorithms
- Feature/Model Selection
- Results on Test Set
- Trading Algorithm and Portfolio Performance
Now that we have a prediction we can also develop a trading strategy and test it against the real markets.
Trading Strategy
The idea is the following. I built a forecasting algorithm and now I know with a certain confidence if the closing price of tomorrow will be higher or lower than the the closing price of today. How can I use this information?
The idea I’m about to go through is explained pretty much in detail on QuantStart, a very nice website with great financial tutorials in Python. Basically I picked their code and adapted it to my needs.
The strategy is very basic and works in this way: if the probability of the day being “up” exceeds 50%, the strategy purchases 500 shares of S&P 500 and sells it at the end of the day. if the probability of a down day exceeds 50%, the strategy sells 500 shares of S&P 500 and then buys back at the close. The idea is that I start with 100k US $ and buy and sell only playing with this amount of money.
It is quite evident that this strategy has only learning purposes. Even though we could be successfull and make at the end of the test period some positive returns, this approach is absolutely not applicable in real life for basically two reasons:
- Transaction costs (such as commission fees) have not been added to this backtesting system. Since the strategy carries out a round-trip trade once per day, these fees are likely to significantly curtail the returns.
- The strategy assumes that the closing price of today is going to be equal to the opening price of tomorrow which is unlikely to happen.
In any case I stress again that the purpose of this exercise is only a lerning one so it is worth going on and see how to implement this process in Python.
Basically everything is contained in the Python Code section. Instead of being too verbose in the post body I believed that in this context it would have been much better to comment directly inside the code, so you’ll find all the relevant explanations below.
Portofolio Performance
This is maybe the most important part of all the blog posts I have written so far, as It summarizes in a single plot all the work done.
In the figure below (whose code you can find at the end in the Python Code section) there are two subplots:
- S&P 500 Close Price in the period 1 April 2014 – 28 August 2014. This first graph shows the actual trend of the market index in the backtest period. In this particular period the market had a return of almost 6%.
- Portofolio Value in the period 1 April 2014 – 28 August 2014. This graph shows the trend of the Porfolio generated on top of our predictions. As you can see the start value is 100k $ which end up at a final value, after 5 months of trading, of about 10%.
The results are quite good, and show the potential of this kind of approach. As I explained in all the recent posts there is much more work to be done and a lot to be improved. In any case i think that the whole process I just described can be the base of a more robust pipeline.
Thanks a lot for reading and see you with the next project!
Python Code
# last trading day accounted end_period = datetime.datetime(2014,8,28) # symbol of the stock required for future plotting symbol = 'S&P-500' # name of the file of the output of prediction (S&P 500 in this case) name = path_datasets + '/sp500.csv' # calls the best model previously saved in pickle file and runs it on the test set retutning an array of 0,1 (Down, Up) according to predicted returns prediction = pystocks.getPredictionFromBestModel(9, 9, 'sp500', cut, start_test, path_datasets, 'sp500_57.pickle')[0] # dataframe of S&P 500 historical prices (saved locally from Yahho Finance) bars = pd.read_csv(name, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # subset of the data corresponding to test set bars = bars[start_test:end_period] # initialize empty dataframe indexed as the bars. There's going to be perfect match between dates in bars and signals signals = pd.DataFrame(index=bars.index) # initialize signals.signal column to zero signals['signal'] = 0.0 # copying into signals.signal column results of prediction signals['signal'] = prediction # replace the zeros with -1 (new encoding for Down day) signals.signal[signals.signal == 0] = -1 # compute the difference between consecutive entries in signals.signal. As # signals.signal was an array of 1 and -1 return signals.positions will # be an array of 0s and 2s. signals['positions'] = signals['signal'].diff() # calling portfolio evaluation on signals (predicted returns) and bars # (actual returns) portfolio = pystocks.MarketIntradayPortfolio(symbol, bars, signals) # backtesting the portfolio and generating returns on top of that returns = portfolio.backtest_portfolio()
In the previous code snippet there are two call to the following external functions:
- getPredictionFromBestModel() : Function
- MarketIntradayPortfolio() : Class
- backtest_portfolio() : Class Method
Below I provide the code for all of them adding the line at which they were called right before the code itself.
– getPredictionFromBestModel()
prediction = pystocks.getPredictionFromBestModel(9, 9, 'sp500', cut, start_test, path_datasets, 'sp500_57.pickle')[0]
def getPredictionFromBestModel(bestdelta, bestlags, fout, cut, start_test, path_datasets, best_model): """ returns array of prediction and score from best model. """ lags = range(2, bestlags + 1) datasets = loadDatasets(path_datasets, fout) delta = range(2, bestdelta + 1) datasets = applyRollMeanDelayedReturns(datasets, delta) finance = mergeDataframes(datasets, 6, cut) finance = finance.interpolate(method='linear') finance = finance.fillna(finance.mean()) finance = applyTimeLag(finance, lags, delta) X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = prepareDataForClassification(finance, start_test) with open(best_model, 'rb') as fin: model = cPickle.load(fin) return model.predict(X_test), model.score(X_test, y_test)
– MarketIntradayPortFolio(Portolio)
Portolio interface is provided at the end
– backtest_portofolio()
portfolio = pystocks.MarketIntradayPortfolio(symbol, bars, signals) returns = portfolio.backtest_portfolio()
class MarketIntradayPortfolio(Portfolio): """Buys or sells 500 shares of an asset at the opening price of every bar, depending upon the direction of the forecast, closing out the trade at the close of the bar. Requires: symbol - A stock symbol which forms the basis of the portfolio. bars - A DataFrame of bars for a symbol set. signals - A pandas DataFrame of signals (1, -1) for each symbol. initial_capital - The amount in cash at the start of the portfolio.""" def __init__(self, symbol, bars, signals, initial_capital=100000.0, shares=500): self.symbol = symbol self.bars = bars self.signals = signals self.initial_capital = float(initial_capital) self.shares = int(shares) self.positions = self.generate_positions() def generate_positions(self): """Generate the positions DataFrame, based on the signals provided by the 'signals' DataFrame.""" positions = pd.DataFrame(index=self.signals.index).fillna(0.0) positions[self.symbol] = self.shares*self.signals['signal'] return positions def backtest_portfolio(self): """Backtest the portfolio and return a DataFrame containing the equity curve and the percentage returns.""" portfolio = pd.DataFrame(index=self.positions.index) pos_diff = self.positions.diff() portfolio['price_diff'] = self.bars['Close_Out']-self.bars['Open_Out'] portfolio['price_diff'][0:5] = 0.0 portfolio['profit'] = self.positions[self.symbol] * portfolio['price_diff'] portfolio['total'] = self.initial_capital + portfolio['profit'].cumsum() portfolio['returns'] = portfolio['total'].pct_change() return portfolio
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class Portfolio(object): """An abstract base class representing a portfolio of positions (including both instruments and cash), determined on the basis of a set of signals provided by a Strategy.""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def generate_positions(self): """Provides the logic to determine how the portfolio positions are allocated on the basis of forecasting signals and available cash.""" raise NotImplementedError("Should implement generate_positions()!") @abstractmethod def backtest_portfolio(self): """Provides the logic to generate the trading orders and subsequent equity curve (i.e. growth of total equity), as a sum of holdings and cash, and the bar-period returns associated with this curve based on the 'positions' DataFrame. Produces a portfolio object that can be examined by other classes/functions.""" raise NotImplementedError("Should implement backtest_portfolio()!")
– Plotting Portfolio Performance with Matplotlib
# Plot results f, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) f.patch.set_facecolor('white') ylabel = symbol + ' Close Price in $' bars['Close_Out'].plot(ax=ax[0], color='r', lw=3.) ax[0].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=18) ax[0].set_xlabel('', fontsize=18) ax[0].legend(('Close Price S&P-500',), loc='upper left', prop={"size":18}) ax[0].set_title('S&P 500 Close Price VS Portofolio Performance (1 April 2014 - 28 August 2014)', fontsize=20, fontweight="bold") returns['total'].plot(ax=ax[1], color='b', lw=3.) ax[1].set_ylabel('Portfolio value in $', fontsize=18) ax[1].set_xlabel('Date', fontsize=18) ax[1].legend(('Portofolio Performance. Capital Invested: 100k $. Shares Traded per day: 500+500',), loc='upper left', prop={"size":18}) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=14) loc = ax[1].xaxis.get_major_locator() loc.maxticks[DAILY] = 24 figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() figManager.window.showMaximized()